The doctor is in

RE: Camai

Dr is inAsk away. (Remember, it is unnecessary for you to have an E-mail address or to leave it in order to post comments. Unless, you want an answer back. The software never reveals your E-mail address for others to see.)

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Sorry for the extra bother.

  • By the way, you may want to read this About me, too. I’m an egghead doctor which means I don’t do clinical or medical practice. I train and evaluate your doctors and nurses and others in human biology and in community involvement (community-based research, CBPR “community-based participatory research”)

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33 thoughts on “The doctor is in”

  1. Can lysol in the brown bottle kill ringworms?

    I was told to use the lysol on my son’s hair line to kill ringworm, he has a ringworm on his neck. Can this product be used directly on your skin.

    Please reply.

    Thank you

    Jackie, let me check on that. Did your medical provider suggest this? If so, they should have told you the dilution. I’ll get back to you.


  2. Jackie– You won’t be able to use Lysol on ringworm.

    It doesn’t seem that the Lysol will be very effective against the ringworm used on the skin itself. The Lysol itself can be harmful.

    The best treatments attack the fungus systemically (through swallowed medication). There may be additional steps recommended by your doctor, such as certain shampoos or rinses.

    Diluted Lysol can certainly be used to disinfect combs and laundry. Regular soap and water for frequent handwashing will also slow the fungus from spreading.

    Ringworm is actually a fungus and there are different species of fungus which cause ringworm. It can be spread by sharing combs, napping together, or other close contact play among children. This means the fungus might be spread by incomplete treatment.

    Some children are too young for any contact with dilute Lysol. Your medical provider would know best, but the concentrate is entirely too dangerous for children to be exposed to.

    It makes sense that Lysol might be useful directly on the fungus. But the problem is the fungus is difficult to get all of it. A dilute Lysol solution wouldn’t help and a poultice or a stronger solution would do more harm than the fungus. Because there are several kinds of fungus (dermatophytes) involved, different medications are used and the whole family may have to be treated.

    I feel for your son. Please see your medical doctor for actual treatment.

    You might also check with your local public health office. Ringworm is evidently making a comeback in some regions. They may have other suggestions for sanitation or prevention of the disease spread, aside from the handwashing and no comb or hat sharing.

    Site Search Tags: Dettol, Lysol, fungus, hands


  3. Thank you so much, you were very helpful.

    I had already taken my son to the doctor and the doctor did prescribe a pill and shampoo. A freind of mine told me to use the lysol. She said it was an old home remedy which came from Mississippi. I just tought I should check with someone to see if it was ok.

    Thanks again!


  4. You’re welcome.

    In the old old days, or even more recently, I bet that was about all that was available. I remember the schoolwide checkups we got in Mississippi with an ultra-violet lamp for ringworm. The neighborhood was also regularly fogged with a mixture of kerosene and DDT to protect against mosquitoes and things like malaria and encephalitis.


  5. Kisha–


  6. Looks like I need to do a separate post about this.

    Short answer–Yes, ringworm can be transmitted between children if both play on the couch at the same time or maybe on the same day. But the environment of the couch itself is generally not very hospitable for fungus. Hats and bed linens are better at transmitting the fungus from one child to another (or from the child back to the child).

    Let me do some studying about “house keeping” and ringworm (tinea).


  7. Kisha–
    Does this help? Ringworm questions


  8. Kim Patrick said:

    We currently have 3 children with the ringworm fungus. Two have then in the hair and one on the jawline near the ear. I am trying to prevent any further breakout. Is there a particular solution we need to use on the headphones to keep this from spreading? We have Lysol and Clorox products available.
    Thanks- Kim Patrick

    See response here Ringworm questions


  9. I know everyone should always wash their hands but my question is…at what age can you stop washing your hands before touching a baby when they enter a room? I was once told it was 2-3 months old, was that right? Thank you for any information. Lynne

    see Baby care handwashing


  10. my sister that is 37 yrs old used a lysol spray /clorox in her hair to treat a scalp itch,now she has like a rash or reaction on her face and arms and back.Doctors have seen her for this condition but have no idea what it is.Could you please reccommend some place or one that she could see for a chemical reaction?


  11. Sandy, the only thing I can think of is for your sister to check with a dermatologist. She may be reacting to the initial stimulus plus whatever she did as a treatment. Sometimes the body over-reacts, even if the original stimulus is long gone. Then a doctor can try to “dampen” the response while the body continues to heal or adjust. All of this would need to be separated out. It can be useful to get a second opinion. Good luck.


  12. my son has a problem with acid always causing him a burning sensation in his chest emergency visits are out of the question.Just to get in you have to pay 50.00,So are their any home remedies until I can get him to his own Doctor?


  13. This is something that really needs a medical professional to look at– you could help a lot by noting down whether he gets symptoms after eating, specific foods, is he active, other medications, heart health, etc.

    *The key is “always”.* In addition, the symptom is one that can point to a variety of causes, some very serious.

    Because of those two, I would urge you to find a doctor or nurse practitioner or physician assistant as soon as possible. If cost is a problem, look for a low income clinic or go through the school system or check with the state health department.

    Home remedies (which don’t mean less effective or less dangerous) may be useful but only after a diagnosis. Otherwise, they may cause more harm or using them may put off getting proper treatment.


  14. Ok,thanks and I did take him to see his Doctor and found out he has acid reflux.He has been treated and now on a acid reducer.


  15. Sandy I’m glad to hear the good news.

    Acid reflux untreated can lead to irritation and even erosion of the esophagus or stomach. Constant use of anti-acids, commercial or homemade, can change the natural chemistry of the body.

    In the US, it’s very difficult to know whether to spend scarce money on medical help. But the kind of awareness that you had of when and what kind of symptoms occur is helpful to deciding.


  16. Update from Worms and Germs, Ringworm Part 2: Cleaning Up

    see Ringworm questions


  17. If the son with the acid reflux has about ten or more pounds of fat buildup on the abdomen, likeme, i’m guessing it may be a squeezed tummy. I have it too. Eat food with high folic acid content like not overheated peas.(to help the food that IS eaten be absorbed, to avoid continual hunger.


  18. my 19 year old son has back pain and he also has a few marks, off his back the lines go across the middle of his back.They look like somebody welped him.They are lite in color than his skin.I had good results with you before when my sister had used stuff in her hair so I will wait to hear back from you. Thank you


  19. Shelly, back pain in someone young without an obvious cause, like playing flag football or moving, is a concern. It may or may not be related to the skin reaction. (There might be two unrelated issues). My suggestion is to have your son write down when he has pain (time but also what was he doing when it occurred), when it first occurred, how long it lasts, is it located in one spot or spread out, etc. The same should be done for the back.

    If either condition continues for 2-3 days, gets worse, or re-occurs, then he does need to see a medical person, such as a public health nurse or school nurse if he doesn’t have his own doctor. Take the notes and take a list of whatever medicines he’s taking– over the counter, prescription, herbal or teas, vitamins, lotions, etc.– to the visit. The notes are very important because your son and the doctor need to analyze the patterns of what is occurring.

    I’m not a medical person and the symptoms are not very specific so they need an expert to look at them. Skin is one of those organs that react to almost any stressor, such as allergy, infection, or the first day or work or school. Skin may not even be the target of what is going but a symptom of something else. This is very useful but also confusing to a non-medical person.

    Good luck.

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a good list of notes to take before deciding to go to the doctor’s office? such as who, what, when, where, how often? I can link them here. I think Reader’s Digest has a well-regarded medical guide but I’ll have to look that up.


  20. Heidi Marsden said:

    Do you have a list of natural sources that can cure ringworm? I prefer the instant relief of medicated creams but for longevity, I’d really prefer natural remedies.


    • The only long-term treatment is prevention, I’m afraid. As for “natural” cures, items such as alcohol may be too weak to eliminate the fungus but strong enough to affect skin integrity. The purified chemicals, as opposed to the natural chemicals, are more targeted and less contaminated with other ingredients and therefore are apt to work better.

      See Ringworm questions


  21. how do you get rid of the fungus in your yard?


    • Check with your county extension agent or horticulturalist. The best cure is the same as for skin– dry, sunshine, and fresh air. However, there are some chemicals that can kill it temporarily.


  22. Is it true that after 48 hours of treatment ringworm is no longer contagious?


    • That doesn’t sound too plausible, otherwise it would be easy to get rid of it. However, I’m not a medical doctor so I’ll refer you to the nearest “health provider”.


  23. When I was 13 I was diagnosed as having ringworm by my doctor, in Wisconsin. He prescribed taking a bath every other day with 2 capfuls of Lysol added. (the original red concentrate, now hard to find). I only had to take two baths and it was completely gone.


  24. For GODS sake, people, stop putting Lysol on your bodies. Read labels. Lysol, Clorox…they are for fabrics and surfaces, not skin. You are spraying chemicals on you that can cause more problems, and you could have a SEVERE reaction to them. Read warning labels. They will tell you whether or not you can use a product on your body, or in your body. No reputable doctor would ever recommend bathing in Lysol. Ringworm is eliminated easily by using an over the counter antifungal cream (sold for atheletes foot) but you must use it daily for about 2 weeks, till it’s gone. Or your doc can prescribe a prescription anti fungal, but it’s just as effective to use the over the counter. You must keep the area covered when around others until it’s gone, but if you’re home alone, let the air get to it. The fungus thrives in moist warm environments. It will spread easily to others and you can get it from pets. Spray your upholstery with lysol, wash your clothes and sheets in the clorox. Mostly, read the warning labels on ANYTHING before you eat it or use in on your skin.


  25. Maryann summers said:

    Can you use Lysol disinfectant on your skill to treat ringworm?


    • A very dilute solution of brown bottle Lysol might work for an adult’s mild conditions of the scalp. I would be very careful using too strong a solution, over too long a period, especially near the mouth, eyes and ears. If the infection is stubborn it would need treating with an antifungal of some sort to prevent complications. If the infection continues, inspection by a medical professional is needed. Check under the Lysol and ringworm posts for suggested uses. I don’t remember the proper dilution for skin applications, sorry.


  26. Maryann summers said:

    What post are you referring to? The only post I found on can you use Lysol on ringworm , referred me to you.


    • I think there were others pointing out how the ingredients in brown bottle Lysol destroy tissues; the guy who died from too much; that it (used to be) used for suicide. I would still use only a very dilute solution in a compress and then after several days, if no changes, then try the topical antifungals (athlete’s foot or jock itch creams) or if a reaction, go to your physician. Dettol is the same compound as Lysol. If the fungus gets worse then you may need systemic treatment (tablet of some sort) but only a medico would know for sure. Don’t mess about too much (for too long) because the fungus can evolve into something more virulent. Not sure the length of time to try, however. If no change after a week I would go to the medico.


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